Art Exhibition

Welcome to the Studio Exhibition!

The first studio exhibition of Wiurila's summer commences on June 14, 2024. The exhibition features visual artist Erik Creutziger, sculptor and visual artist Kim Jotuni, artist and photographer Kreetta Järvenpää, and visual artist Jenni Vakkilainen.

The upcoming summer exhibition highlights joy, humor, and lightness. Growth, maturation, flourishing, and withering follow both the course of summer and the stages of life. The works of the artists form a thematically and technically supportive diverse whole. The artists were invited to the exhibition according to the curators' wishes, there was no public call for the exhibition.

The exhibition is located at the Kaariholvi and Pääsky galleries in the central building of Wiurila.

Open daily from 11 am to 6 pm, closed in Midsummer.

The entry to the exhibition is free.

Read more on Wiurila's summer website.